the mission

To create and connect people to their authentic inner-being through simple, mindful, and balanced breath to body wellness practices so they can thrive.

Simple Graces was established in 2018, under the name Simply J Wellness, and was born out of my personal desire to reconnect with myself and my community after moving back to Massachusetts. I had spent the previous five years as a full-time, stay at home mother, immersed in the role of caretaker to everyone but myself. Our move to be closer to extra support systems should have been a joyful, exciting, and happy time, but it was a period of constant stress and chaos. Our entire family felt uprooted, unsteady, imbalanced, and anxious about this new chapter in our life. No matter what traditional methods of wellness we explored, we just couldn’t thrive individually or as a whole family unit. 

I knew that I couldn’t be the only one out there who felt disconnected from the person I once was and the person I still wanted to be.

I was determined to explore new ways to heal, to create my path towards inner peace and joy, and to share these practices with other people. 

Simple Graces evolved into much more than community gatherings around wellness topics.

It emerged as my healing path back to unified wellness for myself first, then my family, and then I watched it ripple out into my community. The common theme of seeking balance in order to thrive was prevalent with every person I spoke with. Exercise, mindful movement, music, the ocean, reading, gratitude journaling, playing with my children, my Yoga Teacher Training, volunteering my time, and coffee chats with friends were the “things” that calmed the chaos. These simple practices gave me the grace to listen to my inner calling, to release my fears, to move beyond the past, to embrace the present, and to step into my most authentic self. 

Simple Graces is my way of bringing light, hope, faith, encouragement, community connections, compassion, empathy and GRACE to all of us who are in need of a rainbow amidst a storm.

I thoroughly enjoy sharing my passion for mindful movement, creativity, inner-balance, and heart-forward service to others through my programs and private sessions. We are all connected in this human experience. Let’s create some sunshine and rainbows together.

Jennie’s Professional Bio

Jennie Petricig has a passion for connecting with people and living an authentically creative life. This inner drive has shaped her career path through business school, athletic sports marketing, non-profit community relations, and being a stay at home mom to three, spirited children. She values kindness, active listening, empathy, holding space, inclusion, and creating safe opportunities for people and communities to explore being well. She is a natural and enthusiastic speaker on the topics of Embracing Grace in the Chaos, Mindfulness for Athletes, Unlocking Your Natural Creativity, Finding Soul Balance, BeTween Self-Empowerment, Student Mindfulness, and Creating Family Connections. Jennie is a Reiki II certified RYT500 through yogaspirit® Studios at the Whitman Wellness Center School of Yoga, with a specialty certification in Children’s Yoga through Pretzel Kids®. She has found balance and freedom in serving and supporting individuals, children, and families through mindfulness, art, breathwork, meditation, yoga for wellness, and heart-forward community service. 

“Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers, and me.”